NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 16: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) would be easing its stipulated student to section ratio from 40 to 45 for schools registering class 9 and 11 students. The decision should be valid for the academic session 2018-19 for now. Those schools which are affiliated to CBSE can now register up to 45 students from the mentioned classes per section. The board had earlier limited the ratio to 40 i.e per section should have maximum 40 students.
Schools have to justify the increase in student registration per section
While public schools do not have to pay any penalty for the increase in the number of students, private schools have been mandated to pay a fine. However, they are allowed to change the number if they approach CBSE. The schools also have to give the board a proper justification for the hike in their numbers. Further, private schools would have to show proof that their infrastructure can accommodate more than 40 students in each classroom for 9th and 11th.
Most of the schools facing this issue had mentioned a number lower than actual in the Online Affiliated School Information System (OASIS). Schools, which are unable to get their students of classes 9 and 11 registered because of this have to contact the regional offices of the board. However, these schools have to first justify why they have more than the number decided by CBSE.
A CBSE official has been quoted as saying to a national daily, “The Board has asked the schools to request the regional offices. But they have to give justification about the excess students for seeking permission for their registration. The online system will be opened for them and they can update (edit) the data in OASIS but that must be supported by evidence.”
Aadhaar details can be entered but not mandatory
Schools can register for the class 9 and 11 exams till October 22, 2018. However, schools who skip that date can still register till November 28. They would have to pay the late fee in that case. Schools have to use their affiliation number to register for the examinations. While Aadhaar details can be filled for candidates, it is not mandatory for students who do not have one. In that case, schools can use the students’ other identity proofs issued by the government like passport, Bank account number and Ration card number among others.